We then entered Israel which is no small thing due to all of the security at the border. Once in Israel we went to a National Park called Timnah. Here we investigated a copy of the Tabernacle guided by a Messianic Jew. She was very informative and inspirational. We then hiked to a place which is the first evidence of mining ever found. Here the Kenites mined copper. It is also the place where Solomon had mines.
After a lunch in Eliat we crossed into Jordan. Today we spent 5 hours crossing borders. But once in Jordan we travelled through Aqaba (the city that Lawrence of Arabia conquered) and up a very long wadi (valley) to the Jordanian Plateau. Then traveling along the "Kings Highway" we came to Petra where we are spending the night. The "Kings Highway" is again quite possibly the route of the Israelites as they went around Edom and through the land of the Moabites.
We are tired today from the traveling but are resting well in a great hotel. It feels like we are finally getting out of the barren wilderness and into some more forgiving land. We are really looking forward to our visit of Petra tomorrow. Indiana Jones here we come.
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